2008 m. lapkričio 18 d., antradienis

ESP Psychology

ESP Psychology Project Autumn 2008

According to my research, the application of weblogs for teaching and learning ESP has been beneficial.

As a rule, University students consider their weblogs as personal diaries, or electronic portfolios, which can be used for writing entries on various professional topics.
Publication of contributions online encourages learners to improve their writing standards, develop awareness of the weblogs as the public websites that might be read and commented on by any online visitor.
At the top of this page you can see the pictures of the students , who study ESP for psychology at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, in the language classroom.
The websites of the learners' created weblogs are presented below.
You are welcome to examine their contributions, assess performance of each learner, and write comments.


A. Adamonytė. http://aadamonyte.blogspot.com/
I. Andruškevič. http://iandruskevic.blogspot.com/
T. Aukštolis http://taukstolis.blogspot.com/
E. Baliutavičiūtė. http://ebaliutaviciute.blogspot.com/
Ž. Baracevičiūtė http://zibaracevi.blogspot.com/
I. Bimbirytė http://ibimbiryte.blogspot.com/
K. Blauzdžiūnaitė http://kblauzdziunaite.blogspot.com/
A. Bružaitė http://agnebruzaite.blogspot.com/
I. Buinickaja http://ibuinickaja.blogspot.com/
R. Butylov http://rbutylov.blogspot.com/
K Cicėnas http://kcicenas.blogspot.com/
E. Čėsnaitė http://ecesnaite.blogspot.com/
R. Česnulytė http://rcesnulyte.blogspot.com/


R. Ramanauskas http://rramanauskas.blogspot.com/
M.Rankelytė http://mrankelyte.blogspot.com/
L. Raslanashttp://lraslanas.blogspot.com/
S. Rastenytė http://srastenyte.blogspot.com/
P. Raškevičius http://praskevicius.blogspot.com/
E. Rupšaitė http://erupsaite.blogspot.com/
A. Rusinovas http://arusinovas.blogspot.com/
R. Sakovičiūtė http://www.sakoviciuter.blogspot.com/
E. Siudikas http://siudikas.blogspot.com/
L. Skendelis http://lskendelis.blogspot.com/
M. Sprauniūtė http://msprauniute.blogspot.com/
E. Stankevičiūtė http://estankeviciute.blogspot.com/
A. Stefanovič http://astefanovic.blogspot.com/

1 komentaras:

Teacher rašė...

Thanks for sharing such a great article